workshops & seminars
This course will examine modern painting, from Impressionism to abstract expressionism, through an interactive process that explores different concepts of artistic creation.
Monet and Impressionism
Renoir, Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec
Gauguin and Symbolism
Van Gogh
Fauvism and German Expressionism
Cubism: Picasso – Braque
Kandinsky, Malevich, Mondrian and early abstraction
Dada and New Objectivity
Abstract Expressionism: Pollock, Newman, Rothko,DeKooning
Thursdays 17:00-18:30
31.10, 7.11, 14.11, 21.11, 28.11, 5.12, 12.12, 19.12, 9.1 and 16.1
Cost: 100,00 euros
Contact person: Ioanna Giannakopoulou (i.giannakopoulou@opencase303.com)
Petrinou has studied Art History (Ecole du Louvre and D.E.A. at Sorbonne-Paris I, France). She has taught Art History at the French Institute of Athens. She has been involved with the organization of the exhibition “Repentirs” at the Louvre Museum. She has also curated several contemporary art exhibitions and published several studies.
Modern Art: What does it mean?
by Christina Petrinou

Course's languages