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1st A.S.E. PROJECT  


From 05.11.2014 to 30.11.2014 

Opening Wednesday  05.11.2014   19:00   


Wednesday/Friday  17:00-21:00 

Saturday          14:00-19:00



free entrance















Costis - Κωστής (Τριανταφύλλου) 




active line of lightning





the message is the meaning




the medium is the message






l i g h t n i n g





the message, the meaning, the medium





life…nature…earth…plantation…human body…


                                                                                                                           Life time project







E L E C T R O G R A M 


Video    Costis              

Music    Costas Mantzoros   


The Electrogram video focuses on those wondrous lines which hover in our eyes for some moments after seeing an electronically produced streak of lightning in the works of Costis. In the course of the construction of his works, these lines guide him in the depiction of electric fields through his electric drawing or in his combining of conductible and non-conductible materials, so that the spark of the electric discharge, the lightning, may reveal itself, take shape, and even, with luck, attain its greatest freedom on the graphic surface. Perpetually changing patterns, random yet striking, impress upon our memory a map, a significant alphabet of non-material points, which the lightning reveals. The music travels along with the imagery, but it does not react to it in any immediate, obvious ways nor does it try to emulate its manner of operation. It is a white continuum – white as in ‘white page’ as well as in ‘white noise’ – a drone, out of which diverse, barely felt aural events may appear like far away gleams, distant echoes of the visual material.


E V E N T S  


Open C.A.S.E. 303 – Center for Art, Science & Education is glad to present his 1st Art, Science & Education (A.S.E.) Project, Open Line, inspired by Costis’ (Triantafyllou) homonym exhibition.

A.S.E. Projects, Open C.A.S.E.303’s main activity, raise questions about nature, life, man and his societies and search for answers through the intercourse and interaction of two human activities that seem to be discordant, however in fact they are allied: The Art and The Sciences. Each time and with the occasion of a question or a phenomenon scientists and artists meet, discuss, interact and share their thoughts and point of view with the public.

In that context, Open Line sees Costis “lightnings” as a departure point to explore the least known aspects and effects of this natural phenomenon on life, art, science, technology and philosophy.

Open Line introduces Costis’ homonym art exhibition, experimental music concerts and round table discussions between scientists/researchers and artists.



Wednesday November 5, 19:30

Opening: Costis’ art exhibition Open Line


Friday Νοεμβρίου 7, 19:30

Music Concert: Music for Sinusoidal Signals – Marinos Koutsomichalis


Friday November 14, 19:30

Music Concert: Silences: Music for an Audiotape – Costas Mantzoros


Friday November 21, 19:30

Round Table Discussion: Sound in Music and Sciences

-Dr. Ioannis Daglis: Astrophysicist, Professor at the University of Athens

-Dr. Korina Lateli: Dr. of History and Cultural Anthropology


Saturday November 29, 19:30

Round Table Discussion: Art and the Sciences

-Thanasis Moutsopoulos: Associate Professor of Art History and Cultural Theory – Architectural Engineering School, Technical University of Crete

-Dr. Konstantinos Vasileiou: Dr. of Aesthetics and Art Sciences

-Anna Hatzigiannaki: Art Historian, D.E.A. in Aesthetics and Ethnoaesthetics- Art Anthropology

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